
SBA and MOBIRIX signed an agreement to revitalize the Seoul game industry in order to support for domestic excellent small and medium games to expansion internationally.

관리자 2019.12.13

  MOBIRIX signed an agreement with SBA to revitalize the Seoul game industry. According to the agreement, mutual efforts to strengthen corporate capabilities based on cooperation in SBA support projects such as 'Indie Game Fast Track', exchange of human resources and information for content evaluation, education, and advisory, also support for domestic and overseas market development of the small and medium game company, also convenient market entry.


사진=서울산업진흥원 제공


CEO of SBA Young-Seung Jang (The Seoul Industry Promotion Agency) promotes the vitalization of the domestic game industry based on actively cooperation with the private sector.


This agreement was promoted for activation of Seoul game industry’s ecosystem and strengthen competitiveness.


In particular, MOBIRIX, a mobile game company that continues to grow, such as self-development, conversion, and publishing, and Seoul Industrial Promotion Agency, are projected great synergy in vitalizing the game industry.



Electronic Times Internet.